Commited to A new way of life

Welcome to our community-centered platform dedicated to fostering personal growth, connectivity, and emotional intelligence.

Elevated Learning Experience is dedicated to fostering the next generation of business leaders and healthy adults by providing organic networking opportunities, mentorships, and community engagement.

Our mission is to empower young professionals to understand themselves and the world around them, use their voices, and make a positive impact in their communities. 

Connecting them to something bigger than themselves.

We are all humans on this earth and can work together to be the change!

We are a HOLISTIC option!

We do not have that red tape.

We can get as involved as we would like in our community development as well as acquiring an understanding of other communities.

Back to Basics Mentor Groups

  • To make the world a better place we need to become more of a community.

    Our B2B Mentor Groups are made up of all different types of people!

    We are all on earth and we are having this experience together.

    No interaction is a mistake so if you come to a group there is someone you need to meet or something you need to hear!

    Our long term members of children and adults are able to help navigate hard conversations with anyone who may be struggling.

  • I use Emotional Intelligence (EQ)

    Curriculum I created in order to help people connect to themselves and the world around them.

    The curriculum consists of 10 modules

    Each Module is broken down into 3 to 5 sub topics to focus on

    *Unlearning Behavior





    *Being Intentional





  • Part of understanding ourselves and the world around us means stepping outside of our comfort zones!

    We use the experiences that we are learning about in our community to start some conversations and get involved.

    We all have family members who suffer from many different mental health issues so understanding the recovery, homeless, veteran, elderly communities, just to name a few, helps to connect us to the people in our very own lives.

    It can give adults and children both awareness and also healing through better understanding.